The APEX Performance Center offers many types of fitness and physiology testing to help identify your strengths and weaknesses, which can provide useful information to help you improve your health, fitness and performance.
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Our testing options include:
- VO2 Max – This measures your body’s ability to take in and use oxygen. VO2 max is also the best measure of your cardiovascular fitness.
- Lactate Profile – This test helps identify the breakpoint where you produce more lactate than your body can clear. The results include individualized training zones based on your heart rate as well as speed/power based on your own physiology.
- Metabolic Testing – The FUEL test, as we call it, gives you training zone information like the lactate profile as well as determining the calories of both carbohydrate and fat that your body is using at low to moderate and high intensity exercise. This is the most useful test for folks looking to lose weight and for endurance athletes who need to dial in their fueling needs for long distance events.
- Grip Strength – Your hand grip strength is highly associated with general health and longevity.
- Eye-Hand Coordination (Batak) – Eye-hand coordination is importatnt for daily activities & maintaining your independence.
- Vertical Leap – This measures your peak leg power.
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